Writtle College Ranked 4th and Guess What? I teach there!
For the last two years I’ve been teaching a set of deeply inspiring students at Writtle College. During this time, when I’ve uttered the name ‘Writtle College’ at a range of arts events it has been met almost exclusively with the answer: ‘I’m sorry, where?’
Well, I’ll tell you where!
You’ve heard of Goldsmiths? Yes? And the Glasgow School of art? Yes? Well, I teach somewhere that’s ranked higher than both of them in the Art and Design section of the Guardian University Guide 2012. In fact, it must be really quite embarrassing for you to admit you hadn’t heard of Writtle College because, oh, look, it’s ranked 4th!!!
Yes, you read that right, 4th!!! You feel a bit silly now don’t you?!
I really couldn’t be more proud or impressed at the sterling work of my Writtle colleagues and students, and last night’s end of year exhibition of student’s work served as the ultimate demonstration of this – utterly deserved – outstanding score.