Happy Clappy Frida Kahlo – I beg your pardon?

I am beyond perplexed by this new iPad art app for children which tells the life of Frida Kahlo – already an interesting choice – but check out the quote: “Happiness and determination made Frida into a world renowned artist”. Erm, I beg your pardon? Of course she had oodles of determination but have we wandered just a little off topic with ‘happiness’.

Is this in the children’s app?

Or this maybe?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying she was all doom and gloom, and she was an incredible artist (fact!), but is it really worthwhile recreating her in this way for such a young audience? Let teens discover her when they’re good and ready, just like one of those laugh-out-loud, jolly little Plath poems!

Posted via email from Charlotte’s posterous

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