
Go Ahead, Buy Me an Elephant Why Dontcha?!

Go Ahead, Buy Me an Elephant Why Dontcha?!

Mysterious benefactors take note: London’s Elephant Parade is now in the auction phase and this means you can start bidding...

The Dance Your PhD Contest

The Dance Your PhD Contest

Oh this is too perfect for words – literally! The amount of times I’ve verbally stumbled over the answer to...

Save Middlesex Philosophy!

Save Middlesex Philosophy!

It feels like a very dark time for arts and humanities at the moment. This week, Middlesex University announced the...

Book Handbags

Book Handbags

Look at these cute book handbags on Etsy! Once I get over the fact they’ve been damaged, I think I’ll...

Bravo Empty Shops Network

Bravo Empty Shops Network

The Empty Shops Network is so inspiring! I’ll be honest, when lots of branches of chain stores started closing down...

Plumbers Kick Academic Ass

Plumbers Kick Academic Ass

I really agree with the article doing the web rounds right now entitled ‘An Art History Major Can’t Fix Your...

The Internet is Made of Cats!

The Internet is Made of Cats!

Clearly Cory Arcangel already knew this, but in breaking news it has been discovered that the internet is made of...

Pretty Pictures for Your Iphone

Pretty Pictures for Your Iphone

I don’t know if I wish I was a child or had a child (and an iphone of course, but...

Coolest Present Ever!

Coolest Present Ever!

Love it, love it, love it! Despite spending much of the run-up to Christmas banging on about needing a new...

Simpsons’ 20th Birthday

Simpsons’ 20th Birthday

Can it be true? The Simpsons is celebrating its 20th Birthday! Actually, technically, its even older than that, but the...