Posts by digitalcritic:
Is it worth it, let me work it, put my thing down flip it and reverse it…
July 2nd, 2014Ever wondered what I look like when I’m giving a talk at an academic conference? Well here’s your answer…
This is an image of me looking as professional as ever in the new report Why Digital Art History? by Michelle Millar Fisher & Anne Swartz. Anne and Michelle very kindly invited me to talk about digital publishing and my model for the ‘erunet’ tack (that’s tenure backwards – see what I did there 😉 at THATCamp CAA (back in Feburary 2014).
But answers on a postcard please was I:
A) Dancing to Missy Elliott?
B) Posing for a photograph – Hong Kong-styleee?
C) Trying to count how many years I haven’t been on the tenure track?
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1jJs2HI
Book: Girlhood and the Plastic Image
June 26th, 2014There’s a theme emerging here. I woke up this morning to find out I got a mention in the acknowledgements for Heather Warren-Crow’s book Girlhood and the Plastic Image . Heather was one of my colleagues at the Center for 21st Century Studies so I was lucky enough to hear a lot about this book as it was being formulated and written and, I must admit, I was in awe.
But whereas Kelli Fuery mentioned my purpleness, Heather has given me perhaps the ultimate of accolades…
So clearly, I’m looking for a My Little Pony, giant jewellery or absurd trouser mention in the next book one of my friend-colleague-mentors writes (hint hint). But let me tell you right now that Heather Warren-Crow is quite literally THE SMARTEST WOMAN I KNOW (in every sense of the word) so don’t miss out on this book (or on hanging out with her, you know, if you can)!
via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1pDvAPi
My blog post for the forthcoming THATCamp CAA asking after the…
January 10th, 2014My blog post for the forthcoming THATCamp CAA asking after the art history courses of the future…
via Tumblr http://charlottefrost.tumblr.com/post/72849838073
Back in November, as part of Academic Writing Month, Jesse…
December 20th, 2013Back in November, as part of Academic Writing Month, Jesse Stommel and I conducted an on and offline Google Docs workshop.
As regular collaborators who use Google Docs on a weekly basis to write, talk and reflect, we wanted to share exactly how we work together. So at 11.00am Hong Kong time, I met Jesse in a Google Doc in front of a room of PhD and Post-Doc writers. Jesse meanwhile was at home on a cold night in Madison.
With a rough idea of what we wanted to talk about, we proceeded in describing and demonstrating a strategy for collaborative writing. Our aim was to show that even if you don’t plan to co-write with someone, a Google Doc is still a great place to work openly with another person (or even a whole crowd).
Often just making the plan to meet someone in a Google Doc can have a big impact on your productivity, but it’s also a great way to get a bit of support as you write – you might even get some valuable proof-reading from your writing partner. In fact, as our final Google Doc (and blog post for PhD2Published) shows, there are numerous reasons for writing with someone online.
What we never expected when we set out to produce this Google Doc workshop was that Digital Humanities Now would pick up on it and make it their Editor’s Choice in December. This was an exciting validation of Jesse’s and my ongoing collaborative experimentation and totally made our December!
To have DHNow select the work is also completely in line with the way both of us operate. We strive to experiment in public and reflect – with others – on the nature and value of what we have done. Back in July, my open, multi-modal approach to art history was also selected by DHNow as an example of relevant contemporary humanities practice. It’s important to me to be part of these open experiments but it’s also important to me to be recognized precisely by the very platforms that offer an alternative to traditional publication and peer review.
via Tumblr http://charlottefrost.tumblr.com/post/70564332489
We’re curating fantasy art exhibitions in class,…
November 21st, 2013We’re curating fantasy art exhibitions in class, here’s the start of mine! #arthistory #duchamp #jeffkoons #jeremybailey
via Tumblr http://charlottefrost.tumblr.com/post/67628513617
“Last Name, First Name. (User Name). “The tweet in its entirety.” Date, Time. Tweet.”
August 4th, 2013“Last Name, First Name. (User Name).
“The tweet in its entirety.” Date, Time. Tweet.”
– #howto cite a tweet, MLA format. (via mfortki)
What about Chicago?
(via ribbedvault)
via Tumblr http://charlottefrost.tumblr.com/post/57361365699
The first Arts Future Book!!!
August 1st, 2013The first Arts Future Book!!!
via Tumblr http://charlottefrost.tumblr.com/post/57057537074
This made me soooooo happy! (via Twitter / museumpaige:…
July 17th, 2013This made me soooooo happy! (via Twitter / museumpaige: @charlottefrost I sure love …)
via Tumblr http://charlottefrost.tumblr.com/post/55686191197
pewinternet: The skills that teachers think students need for…
July 16th, 2013The skills that teachers think students need for the future …
via Tumblr http://charlottefrost.tumblr.com/post/55634429804
Malala with a pearl
July 16th, 2013Malala with a pearl
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